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Postdoctoral Positions in Molekular Mikrobiology and Ecology

Two postdoctoral positions in molecular microbiology and ecology

The first position will focus on the impact of prebiotic substrates present in milks on the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota—with a focus on bifidobacterial enrichment in the infant gut. The position requires a PhD in Molecular Biology/Microbiology/Food Science or similar field with experience in molecular microbiology/ecology.

Experience with pan?genomic or deep sequence?based community analyses a plus. A second position will examine the impact of milk glycans, glycoproteins and glycopeptides on the bifidobacterial/host interface. This position requires a PhD in Molecular Biology/Microbiology/Food Science or similar field with experience in molecular microbiology of bacterial/host interfaces. Experience with systems biology/genomic techniques a plus.

To apply: Candidates interested in these positions should send a CV and a list of three references to David Mills (damills@ucdavis.edu).
The Mills lab is housed in the new Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Sciences (http://robertmondaviinstitute.ucdavis.edu) at UC Davis. These positions are part of a large, multi?PI, multi?disciplinary effort at UC Davis that seeks to identify, annotate and characterize the biological functions for the various bioactive components in animal milks. Candidates interested in these positions should send a CV and a list of three references to David Mills (damills@ucdavis.edu).

Website: http://www.ucdavis.edu/
Departement site: http://mills.ucdavis.edu/
