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PhD Studentship in Multiphase Computational Flow Modelling

PhD Studentship in Multiphase Computational Flow Modelling

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom
Consistently rated amongst the world’s best universities, Imperial College London is a science-based institution with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London is one of the largest and most advanced departments in mechanical engineering in the UK. We were the top-rated Department of Mechanical Engineering in the recent Research Assessment Exercise 2008, held by the UK Government.


Applications are invited for a research studentship in the field of fluid mechanics, leading to the award of a PhD degree. The post is supported by a bursary and fees for a student originating from the European Union.

Multiphase flows, conceived as flows involving a mixture with two or more phases, are encountered in many of our day to day activities. Numerous industrial and energy conversion processes are based on multiphase mixtures. Multiphase flows are encountered as living cells in our body, as rain and snow, but unfortunately also as a part of our environmental problems e.g. particles in the air, photochemical smog, erosion and land slides.

The work in this project is aimed at fundamentally understanding how fluid flows interact with particles, by deriving and employing computational models, interpreting and understanding results, and developing novel theories. You will be directly involved in applying and developing computational algorithms for direct numerical simulations of flows including particles and interpreting the results of such simulations.

You will be an enthusiastic and self-motivated person who meets the academic requirements for enrolment for the PhD degree at Imperial College. Suitable candidates should have a background in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering, Computing, Physics, Mathematics or a related field, an enquiring and rigorous approach to research, and have a strong interest in computer modelling. Training will be given in computational fluid mechanics, computer programming, and multiphase flow modeling.

To apply: For further details of the post contact Dr Berend Van Wachem, email: b.van-wachem@imperial.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0) 20 7594 7030. Interested applicants should send an up-to-date curriculum vitae to Berend Van Wachem on the above e-mail address.

