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New England-China Scholarship Program

Provider: New England Board of Higher Education (nebhe.org) – The New England-China Scholarship Program is available to students who attend a college/university in New England. You must have a solid academic record and an interest in studying abroad in China. This award covers tuition and fees for up to one year.

The New England—China Scholarship Program is an outstanding and timely opportunity for New England college and university students.

  • The scholarships provide the opportunity to spend up to a year abroad in China—studying the language, experiencing another culture and visiting world-famous landmarks;
  • Tuition and fees are covered by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission;
  • The program provides a wide and unique variety of institutions from which New England college and university students can choose, including many of Beijing’s finest institutions;
  • Students can take classes taught in either English or Chinese, or both.

The scholarships are provided through the generosity of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) and its leader, Dr. Liu Limin. The Commission’s objective is to promote greater collaboration and exchange with New England higher education institutions.

Through the New England—China Scholarship Program, the BMEC will provide up to nine (9) full-year, full-time scholarships per year. At present, the New England—China Scholarship Program has a duration of three (3) years.

Scholarships will cover tuition and fees and are available for qualified undergraduate and graduate students from New England colleges and universities (public or independent).

Eligibility guidelines for the New England—China Scholarship Program:

  • Students must be undergraduate and graduate students from accredited New England colleges and universities (public and independent).
  • Students may be currently enrolled in, or recently graduated from, an accredited New England college or university;
  • Students must demonstrate a solid record of academic achievement and good academic standing;
  • Interested students must register through this website;
  • Students must then apply and be accepted to one or more of the 49 Beijing area institutions listed on this website;
  • Once admitted to the Chinese institution, interested students must provide documentation (i.e., an admissions letter) of their acceptance/admission to one or more of the 49 Beijing area institutions;
  • Students must then complete an online application through the NEBHE website to apply for the scholarship.

For more details, visit the website http://www.nebhe.org/content/view/321/198/
