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IES Need-Based Financial Aid Scholarship

Institute for the International Education of Students
Deadline: November 01, 2009
Type of Award: Scholarship
Amount: $1500

The Institute for the International Education of Students (IES) Need-Based Financial Aid Scholarship is available to students at institutions that are members or associate members of the IES college consortium. You must be accepted into an IES study abroad program to be eligible for this award.

You also must currently be receiving financial aid at your home school, and the home school must have a policy of transferring at least 75 percent of home school aid to IES. Consideration is given to the level of financial need, the IES program location and IES membership status of your home campus.

How to Apply:
IES Need-Based Financial Aid

Website: http://www.iesabroad.org/

Study Abroad & Internship Programs from IES Abroad
Since 1950, The Institute for the International Education of Students has provided students and U.S. colleges and universities with high-quality academic study abroad and internship opportunities that foster intercultural development.
