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International Postgraduate Scholarships, University of London

International Scholarships, Goldsmiths, University of London

International Postgraduate Scholarships

Funding information for international postgraduate students starting in 2009
Goldsmiths is committed to supporting postgraduate students and has a range of scholarship schemes available for international postgraduate students.

Goldsmiths international postgraduate scholarships

There are up to 16 competitive awards which act as a partial fee waiver of £1500 to an international student applying to study for a full-time taught postgraduate programme.

To be eligible to apply you must have an offer of a place on a full-time postgraduate taught degree, have an international fee liability and are self-financing to some extent. You will also need to demonstrate academic excellence and / or significant achievement in your chosen field of study.

Goldsmiths International country specific postgraduate scholarships

There are up to 5 awards that act as partial fee waiver of £1000 to an international student studying a full-time taught postgraduate programme. Students must be domiciled in Chile, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan or Russia.

To be eligible to apply you must hold an offer of a place on a full-time postgraduate degree; have an international fee liability, be self-financing to some extent, and you must be domiciled in one of the countries stated above. You will also need to demonstrate academic excellence and / or significant achievement in your chose field of study.

Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW, UK

The International Office
For overseas students
Telephone +44 20 7919 7700
Fax +44 20 7919 7704
E-mail international-office@gold.ac.uk

Visit the website
