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Post-doctoral Fellow in Applied Statistics

Post-doctoral Fellow in Applied Statistics
Employer: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Florida State University
Location: Tallahassee, FL, United States
Expires: October 30, 2009

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI) at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL has an opening for a Post-doctoral Fellow. The position will require a two-year commitment and prior background in Quality Engineering, Engineering Statistics and Bayesian Models.

The Post-doctoral Fellow will be expected to participate in research projects in Quality Improvement and Variability Reduction of Nano-material Manufacturing processes. Proficiency with MATLAB (particularly the Optimization, Statistics, and System Identification Toolboxes) is highly desirable. The candidate must have research interests and experience in the areas of Design of Experiments, Response Surface Methodology, Markov chain Monte Carlo Methods and Time Series Analysis for consideration for this position.

To apply e-mail your resume, related publications and a list of three references to Dr. Arda Vanli at oavanli@eng.fsu.edu.
