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2 PhD Positions in Physics of Complex Systems, Poland

INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw – Poland

2 PhD Positions in Physics of Complex Systems ( Soft Matter )
Employer: Physics of Complex Systems, Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences
Location: Warsaw, Poland


PhD topics:
A10. Lyotropic cubic liquid crystals – from cubosomes to small monocrystals
A11. Shape transformations of multicomponent biological membranes.
4 yrs PhD studies in collaboration with other European scientific institutions
A10: 3 yrs in Poland and 1yr in France, Paris
A11: 3yrs in Poland and 1yr in Slovenia, Ljubljana
More details on http://ichf.edu.pl/wtg.html

Candidates have to:

  1. hold Master of Science or equivalent degree obtained not earlier than in 2004
  2. be fluent in English
  3. submit the required documents by e-mail (mpd@ichf.edu.pl) before 30-09-2009

To apply: Follow the instructions from the page http://ichf.edu.pl/mpd/recruitment.html
