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Ph.D. full scholarships 2010 for Students from Muslim Country

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
This scholarship program named Davis Scholarships

4 four-year Ph.D. full scholarships available in the fall of 2010.

Mrs. Kathryn Davis, an HEI alumna who obtained her PhD in 1934, is founding four Ph.D. full scholarships for a four-year period.

Two of these grants (Kathryn Davis Grant and Shelby Cullom Davis Grant) are intended for students of any nationality

– having completed a degree programme in an American university.

Two other grants (Davis Grants) are intended for

– two students coming from a Muslim country .

These grants will be attributed in the Spring of 2010 to students starting their PhD programme in September 2010 at the Institute exclusively. They will exempt them from tuition fees and provide a living allowance of 15000 CHF per year. They will last for a period of four years and will be renewed each year depending on the thesis progress.


Mrs Stéfanie Onofri
+41 22 908 43 44
Download a scholarship request form [pdf]

