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Ph.D. (graduate student) Opening in Nanotechnology Research

Ph.D. (graduate student) opening in nanotechnology research-immediate opening

There is one Ph.D./Graduate student opening the research group of Prof. Nitin Chopra (NPG: ) in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MTE) Department at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA. The selected applicant can also be a part of Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. program.

The research work will be focused on nanotechnology with an opportunity to gain experience in advanced materials fabrication/synthesis techniques. This may include work in graphene, nanowires, thin film deposition, electron microscopies, and other characterization methods. The research project is highly competitive and rewarding and will provide the selected candidate with an all-round professional and career development.

It is preferred that the applicant has a bachelors degree in Materials Sc./Materials Engg./Metallurgy. However, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the research, majors in sciences as well as other engineering are also encouraged to apply. The graduate student is required to complete full Ph.D. credit hours course work in the MTE department or MSE program.

The position starts in Spring 2010 and interested applicants should submit detailed CV/Resume, statement of research, GRE, TOEFL to for pre-screening. Deadline is January 5th, 2009. GRE/TOEFL IS MUST FOR THIS POSITION. ANY APPLICATIONS WITHOUT GRE AND TOEFL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

To apply:
PLEASE SEND ME YOUR CV, STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, GRE,TOEFL, AND OTHER DETAILS DIRECTLY TO ME THROUGH E MAIL: NOTE: The selected candidate will be required to join before February 2010.

