The Dutch government offers scholarships for master’s programs and short course to the mid-career professionals Indonesia. Participants preferred a woman and comes from outside Java with a minimum GPA of 2.75 and s1 have experience working for two years after graduation from S1.
What is StuNed scholarship
StuNed, abbreviation of Studeren in Nederland or study in the Netherlands, is a scholarship program provided by the Dutch government to the mid-career professionals from Indonesia as part of bilateral cooperation between Dutch and Indonesian governments.
StuNed Scholarship Program
StuNed scholarship program aims to help the development of Indonesia through the improvement of human resources at institutions in Indonesia. Through the StuNed scholarship program, individual enthusiasts can follow the master’s program and the short course in the Netherlands. While the institution may submit a proposal for the group application and / or Refresher course.
Priority will be given to prospective participants from local organizations who partner with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands such as department / non-departmental government agencies, local governments, NGOs and private sector also has a close relationship with development issues relevant to the Multi -Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) 2008-2011. Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In addition, priority is also given to women candidates and candidates from outside Java.
General Requirements
In addition to Indonesian citizens with minimal education S1 from universities in Indonesia, applicants must show evidence of academic achievement with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
With work experience after graduating S-1 at least 2 years in the last institution; applicants have educational background or field of work in accordance with the master’s program of study options chosen.
Application Deadline
The registration of StuNed scholarships have been opened and the deadline for enrollment until next March 15, 2010. More information can be found at