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Amsterdam Merit Scholarships (AMS) University of Amsterdam

Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
Scholarships for outstanding students from non-EEA countries pursuing a Master’s degree at the UvA

Eligible candidates: Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area (holding a non-EEA-nationality) can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS). Candidates must be officially accepted into a full-time degree programme at the UvA. The candidate must not receive a full-coverage scholarship from another organisation for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship and must be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations.

Value and purpose of grant : € 6,000 – € 21,000

Grant award period: Selected students receive a scholarship for the official duration of the programme they are enrolled in. The scholarship for one-and-a-half or two-year programmes will only be renewed if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.

Closing date : Deadlines vary per faculty/graduate school (1 March/1 April/1 June). For detailed information per faculty/graduate school, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.

Availability : 120 scholarships

Grant provider: Universiteit van Amsterdam

Application procedure : AMS scholarships are awarded by the faculties and graduate schools. Application procedures vary per faculty/school. For more information on the application procedure and requirements, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.

More information : The AMS scholarship programme is highly selective. The best eligible candidates will be selected for a scholarship by the faculty or graduate school offering the study programme. Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic merit, such as grade average, letter of recommendation and motivation. For  more information on the selection criteria and application procedures per faculty, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.
