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University of Technology Sidney (UTS) Scholarships

UTS offers nearly 70 distinct scholarships annually to over 2,000 students. Scholarships vary considerably in terms of their intent, eligibility criteria and amount. It is therefore important that applicants are aware of scholarships that are on offer and how to apply. Search will help you to identify scholarships you may be eligible to receive. Feel free to contact the Scholarships Office via email (scholarships@uts.edu.au) for more information.

To see the lists scholarships available at http://datasearch.uts.edu.au/study/scholarships/news-detail.cfm?ItemId=17614

Shirley Alexander TAFE-UTS Pathways Scholarship

Shirley Alexander TAFE-UTS Pathways Scholarship is a new scholarship for students who completed a TAFE Diploma or Advanced Diploma in 2009. It is worth $4,000 for the first year of study at UTS.

Commonwealth Scholarships

The latest news on Commonwealth Scholarships for new and continuing students
Vice-Chancellor’s Merit Scholarships – $12,500 per annum

The Vice-Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship is awarded to students demonstrating academic excellence and financial need. Up to five scholarships will be awarded to eligible students in 2010.
Faculty of Business – Dean’s Scholarships – $10,000 per annum

The Dean’s Scholarship is awarded to students wishing to undertake undergraduate studies within the Business Faculty.
Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Undergraduate Tuition Fee Scholarships

UTS offers 6 Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Undergraduate Tuition Fee Scholarships, to recognise academic excellence in the final year of school.
