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Scholarships: Master’s programme Dairy Science and Technology at Wageningen University

DST fellowships
Scholarships for encouraging talented students to follow a two years master’s programme Dairy Science and Technology at Wageningen University.

Selection criteria
Target group: Master’s degree
Purpose: Study
Field of study: Agriculture, forestry and fishery

Eligible candidates: Relevant BSc (Food Science, Food Technology, Biotechnology, Nutrition, Chemical Technology or similar); gpa > 75% of maximum scale; English level TOEFL 550, IELTS 6.0 or equivalent.

Scope of the Dairy Science and Technology program in Wageningen
The whole dairy chain with focus on milk and milk components:

  • Variability in milk composition throughout the chain;
  • causes of variability in milk composition;
  • changes in composition during processing;
  • milk composition and human health;
  • the valorization of variability focused on (future) consumers demands.

Grant information

Value and purpose of grant: 10.000 euros per year
Grant award period: 2 years, for students with satisfactory study results during the first year

Closing date: 1 May

Grant provider: Dutch Dairy Industry
Application and more information: see website www.dairy.wur.nl
