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UTS Presidents Scholarship – University of Technology, Sydney

UTS Presidents Scholarship

University of Technology, Sydney

Course area/ Division: University Graduate School

The University will offer a UTS President’s Scholarship (UTSP) to selected successful IPRS applicants. This scholarship assists with general living costs for the duration of their IPRS. The conditions of a UTSP are based on those applicable to IPRS and the value of the UTSP stipend will be equal to the value of an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), as offered to Australian students by DIISR ($20,427 per annum in 2009). The UTSP Scholarship is not transferable to another institution.


Students who apply for the IPRS scholarhsip are automatically considered for the UTS President’s Scholarship. For more information on the IPRS, please visit the UTS International website on http://www.uts.edu.au/international/prospective/studying/scholar/iprs.html

Selection criteria

For more information, please visit the University Graduate School website on www.gradschool.uts.edu.au

Value $20,427.00


Phone: 2 9514 1336
Email: ugs@uts.edu.au
Website: http://www.gradschool.uts.edu.au/index.html

Postal Address:
University Graduate School
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
