PhD Scholarships in Various Programme by The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS)
Funded by a grant from the Government of Japan, the Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS) supports PhD studies in an academic field of study covered by ten Indonesian Centers of Excellence (CoE) participating in the program.
Each of these newly established Centers of Excellence is located at a leading higher education institution in the country with a demonstrated track record in the pursuit of excellence. The goal of the program is to promote excellence in research in these Centers to support the Ministry of National Education in its mission to improve the quality of higher education and research in the country.
Who can apply?
Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a scholarship:
1. Be a national and resident of Indonesia
2. Be under 45 years at application deadline
3. Must have completed and been awarded a master`s degree, or equivalent, at the time of application however, outstanding candidates with a bachelor degree can be considered for a Master-PhD track
4. Have maintained a GPA of at least 3 on a scale of 4 in both undergraduate and graduate studies
5. Full-time lecturer and/or researcher in a Center of Excellence (CoE) or equivalent institution in Indonesia are encouraged to apply.
Interested candidates should submit application packages by March 26, 2010 to the relevant Center of Excellence of their choice. Preselected candidates will be invited to an interview by the end of April 2010.
What is the Program`s purpose?
The purpose of the Program is to support scholarship recipients in upgrading their qualifications and to provide them with an international study experience at leading academic institutions in World Bank member countries, except Indonesia. During their studies, scholars are encouraged to build and foster academic collaborations and partnerships. On return to Indonesia, scholars are expected to take an active role in the academic life of the sponsoring CoE.
Host Institution
Candidates should seek admission at a university of their choice in World Bank member countries.
What does the scholarship cover?
– The scholarship covers full tuition for a period of three to four years, and the cost of basic medical and accident insurance usually obtained through the university.
– A monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses, including books.
– Economy class air travel between the home country and the host university at the start of the study program and one return journey following the end of the overall scholarship period. In addition to the ticket, scholars receive a US $500 travel allowance for each trip.
– The benefits only apply to the scholarship recipient.
The JIPS scholarship does not cover:
expenses for the scholar`s family
educational equipment such as computers
What are the fields of study supported by JIPS?
The proposed program of study and research proposal should reflect the sponsoring CoE: Biotechnology, Bioenergy, Infrastructure and Urban Development, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, Bioindustry and Business, Good Corporate Governance, Distance Learning, Special Needs Education, Reproductive Health, Economic Policy.
How are awardees selected?
Eligible candidates are evaluated by the sponsoring Center of Excellence (CoE) which screens the applications according to their selection procedures for graduate scholarships. Final awards are made by a Steering Committee, based on the following:
– academic records
– professional and academic experience; and
– relevance of proposed program of study to the corresponding CoE.
Selected candidates will be informed by the relevant CoE.
Scholar`s Commitment
The scholarship recipient will be requested to sign a formal commitment to return and work in his/her sponsoring CoE for a minimum of a two-year period for each year of scholarship received. Each CoE commits to recruit its sponsored scholars upon completion of their PhD studies.
Scholars are expected to mention the JIPS scholarship in any publication related to their doctoral research work, including their thesis, and to provide the Program with a copy of their thesis upon graduation.
How to apply?
Application forms and information about the application procedure are available in the participating Centers of Excellence, and here.
For the inquiries related to JIPS, please send an e-mail to
For specific inquiries about the scholarship positions and additional selection criteria, interested candidates are invited to contact the respective Center of Excellence directly.
Visit the Website:
http://go.worldbank .org/2WEW0KV4C0