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Summerschool Scholarship 2010 – The Indonesian Young Leaders programme

Training Indonesia`s Young Leaders
Muslim Intellectuals as Agents of Change

Summerschool Courses 2010
Apply now for a Summerschool Scholarship and spend your summer studying in the Netherlands!

The Indonesian Young Leaders programme is a continuation of the intensive cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs and Leiden University, which started in 1985 with INIS, Indonesian-Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies. The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme is similar to the INIS programme as it also offers training and research in Leiden and at other Dutch Universities.

The Indonesian Young Leaders Programme is a scholarship programme – from 2006 until 2011 – which strives to enhance Indonesia`s future leadership by upgrading –present and future – human resources of institutions of higher Islamic education. The programme consist of two strongly linked and mutually reinforcing instruments:

1) International Conferences and
2) Education and training (Upgrading courses, MA and PhD).

The scholarship will include:
– a return ticket Jakarta – Amsterdam
– a monthly allowance
– costs for accommodation during the summerschool course
– a third-party liability and medical insurance

You can apply for a scholarship for a period upto 6 months! For example, you can first take a Summerschool Course and continue your stay with doing library research on a topic of your interest.

Summerschool courses are available at most Dutch universities and offer a wide range of possibilities, like:
– International Human Rights Academy
– European Politics and Economics
– Conflict Resolution and Mediation Skills
– Introduction to Educational Measurement
– Land Governance for Development

and many more! Check out the website of the Summerschool Utrecht

To be eligible for the Indonesian Young Leaders programme, you must meet the following requirements:
– be an Indonesian national
– have a S1 degree from either a state sponsored or non-state sponsored Islamic Indonesian University
– have a high level of English proficiency (TOEFL 550)
– be in good health
– not be above the age of 40 years (men) or 45 years (women) on the application deadline

To apply, please submit the following documents as soon as possible and not later than 1 May 2010!:
a. application form (available here)
b. Motivation Statement
c. Curriculum vitae
d. Proposal for either your proposed Summerschool course and a research proposal for the library research that you intend to do

Please indicate the preferred period of stay as well!

You can send these documents, preferrably by email, to: m.van.amersfoort@hum.leidenuniv.nl and, if using mail:

Training Indonesia`s Young Leaders Programme
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

The Website:
