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Postdoc Position in Cancer Biology – Harvard Medical School

Postdoc Position in Cancer Biology
A postdoctoral position in cancer biology is available in the laboratory of Zhe Li, PhD, Genetics Division, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

The research project will be devoted to the analysis of transcriptional network in mammary and prostate epithelial cells and how these relate to breast and prostate cancers, using biochemical and genetic approaches. Our laboratory is broadly interested in exploring molecular mechanisms of human tumorigenesis using mouse models and cell culture systems. We are particularly interested in understanding the ontogeny and differentiation of cancer stem cells. Applicants are expected to have completed their PhD and/or MD degree and be highly motivated for a career in academic biomedical research. Previous experience with protein purification and ChIP analysis, and with laboratory mouse is a plus.

To apply: Application and inquiries should be submitted by e-mail to Zhe Li (zli4@rics.bwh.harvard.edu).


Employer: Dept. of Medicine, Genetics Division, Li laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Location: Boston, MA, United States
Posted: May 10, 2010 Expires: August 10, 2010
