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MSc in Finance Scholarships – University of Stirling

These Scholarships are funded by the Accounting and Finance Division and meet course fees up to the home/EU rate. This means that the successful candidates will pay no course fees in September 2010 if they are home/EU fee category students. Overseas fee paying students are also encouraged to apply and would pay the difference between home and overseas fees.

Who can apply: Applicants may be of any nationality and must hold or expect to obtain an offer of a place on the full time MSc in Finance for entry in September 2010. Applications may be submitted for the Scholarship along with the course application, but only those obtaining a place on the course will be entered into the Scholarship competition.

How to apply
: Complete the MSc Finance application form (pdf document 17kb) ensuring that all sections are answered legibly.

  • Pay particular attention to the section which requires a handwritten statement of approximately 500 words on why a Scholarship would help you, and what your career or educational aims are for the five year period after you graduate from the Finance course.
  • The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 June 2010.
  • Please note that the Scholarships will be allocated in July and therefore if you are applying both for the Scholarships and the Finance course close to the 30 June deadline, you should ensure that your course application is complete.

Further Scholarship Information
