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MSc in Islamic Banking and Finance at London School

MSc in Islamic Banking and Finance
The MSc in Islamic Banking & Finance offers a practical insight into the workings of the Islamic system of banking. Islamic banks use a profit-sharing system, since interest is forbidden. However, trade and profits are encouraged and this degree explores the relationships underlying the system.

Duration: 12 months
Year one: Core modules, specialisation modules and management dissertation

Duration: 24 months
Year one: Core modules
Year two: Remaining core modules, specialisation modules and management dissertation

Duration: from 12 to 24 months
Flexible. Study from anywhere in the world. Manage your study time according your needs and preferences.

For further information visit:

2010 Scholarship Schemes
London School of Business and Finance offers four innovative scholarship programmes. As part of our commitment to global education, LSBF offer a range of Scholarship opportunities to help you achieve your academic goals.

  • The Emerging Markets Scholarship (in collaboration with our royal patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO)
  • The Bank of Scotland International Scholarship (for Chinese Students)
  • The Diversity Scholarship
  • The Women in Business Scholarship
  • The Corporate Scholarship
  • Dubai Bank Scholarship
