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A E Ringwood Scholarships for PhD Research in Earth Sciences

The A E Ringwood Scholarships are designed to attract students of high calibre to pursue PhD research in earth sciences. This scholarship is only available at the following educational institutions: Australian National University (ANU).

Duration and Value

Duration: 3.0 years
Annual value: $A 8,000.00
Total value: $A 28,000.00

Application closing date: 31 August

General information
Eligibility Criteria: Bachelors degree with first-class honours, or a research Masters degree from a recognised university; International Students
Other Benefits: Awardees of this scholarship will have been successful in obtaining a full Tuition Fee Scholarship and an ANU (stipend) Scholarship; which include travel to Canberra; reimbursement of some removal expenses, thesis reimbursement allowance.

Applicants must: be undertaking a research PhD in the field of earth sciences; have achieved first-class honours or a master degree from a recognised university; be international students; and have been successful in obtaining a full tuition fee scholarship and an ANU stipend scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to the highest ranking eligible candidate.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Graduate Studies Convener for Earth Sciences at earthsci.gradprog@anu.edu.au or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.

Information about the research interests of staff in Earth Sciences can be found at http://www.anu.edu.au/graduate/studyfields/earthsci/

For more details, click here
