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Scholarships for Study Chemistry Degree Course at The University of Manchester

A generous range of scholarships is available for students who choose to study a chemistry degree course at The University of Manchester: School of Chemistry Overseas Scholarships, Faculty International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships, The Manchester Success Scholarship

School of Chemistry Overseas Scholarships

The School of Chemistry recognises that many well-qualified overseas applicants find it difficult to meet the cost of studying for a degree in the UK and is offering Overseas Scholarships (£3,000 – £6,000). BSc and MChem students who achieve a First Class performance in the first and second year will receive £3000 at the start of year three. MChem students who obtain a First Class performance in year three will receive another £3000 in year four. These scholarships will be credited towards tuition fees in the relevant years.

Faculty International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships

In addition, Faculty International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships are available, worth £2,000 per year for well-qualified overseas students. All overseas students who are holding an offer of a place will be automatically considered for a scholarship. For more information, contact ug-eps@manchester.ac.uk.

The Manchester Success Scholarship

The award: £500 a year

UK students who gain three A grades at A level or an equivalent qualification regardless of household income are eligible for the Manchester Success Scholarship. Renewal of the award each year will be based on academic performance.

The School also offers other awards, for example for the past few years we have provided British Petroleum (BP) Scholarships for year one and year two students to the value of £2000 each. In addition, we offer AstraZeneca Research Bursaries of £2000 each to second year students contingent upon either a sandwich placement or vacation research placement at either AstraZeneca or at University.

School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, UK, M13 9PL
