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Doctoral Scholarships for International Students, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Energy Education Trust of New Zealand Doctoral Scholarships for International Students, New Zealand

This scholarship was established in 2003 and is financed through The Energy Centre at The University of Auckland. To promote research and academic excellence in the energy sector which will benefit community and business interests by supporting research at The University of Auckland.

Selection process:
The Scholarships will be awarded to full-time doctoral students undertaking studies at The University of Auckland related to the field of energy. The Scholarships are open to students enrolled or enrolling in the Faculties of Business and Economics, Science or Engineering. The Scholarships are open to both domestic and international students.

How do students apply?
Applications for the Scholarship must reach the Scholarships Office no later than 5pm on 1 October in the year preceding the award. The basis of selection will be academic merit, research ability and the applicants’ research interests. As part of their application, applicants are required to submit a comprehensive CV, a statement of their research interests and experience and official transcripts of prior study, if such prior study has not been undertaken at The University of Auckland.

Decision makers
The Scholarships will be awarded by The University of Auckland Council upon the recommendation of a selection committee comprising the Director of the Energy Centre (or nominee), the Deans of Business and Economics, Engineering and Science (or nominees) and one representative of The Energy Education Trust of New Zealand.

How and when do students learn of the decision?
Approximately six weeks after closing date by letter.

Application Deadline: 01/Oct/2010

For further scholarship information:
