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PhD Studentships in Computer Science & Technology at University of Cambridge, UK

PhD Studentships in Computer Science & Technology at Faculty of Computer Science and Technology University of Cambridge

We are seeking five PhD students across a range of system topics. We are seeking two PhD students to investigate the implications of photonic networks on future large-scale computer systems (such as data centres or scientific computers) with a focus on power consumption reduction.

The work will involve modelling large systems of chip multiprocessors with photonic interconnect using FPGA-based emulation. These two positions are funded by the EPRSC grant EP/I004157/1, (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/ViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/I004157/1)

We are seeking a further three PhD students for the `INTelligent Energy awaRE NETworks` (INTERNET) project whose vision is to reduce the carbon footprint of ICT networks by at least an order of magnitude – along with a corresponding reduction in non-renewable energy consumption.

PhD students would perform complimentary work across topics including: the investigation of energy-aware network protocol design and implementation for the migration of virtualised systems, performing research into the models of energy usage of networks in and between data centres, and the design and implementation of novel hardware-software interfaces. These three positions are funded by the EPSRC grant EP/H040536/1, (http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/ViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/H040536/1).

Candidates should have a 1st class degree in computer science, electronic engineering, mathematics or a closely related discipline, ideally with experience in one or more of the following:

  • Computer architectures
  • Computer networks
  • Virtualization and migration
  • Physical layer digital and/or optical communications
  • Digital design, FPGA programming, Hardware Description Languages

Informal enquiries should be addressed to srg-phd-vacancy@cl.cam.ac.uk Enquiries should include a Curriculum Vitae and a brief statement of your background and interests.

Further information can also be found on the investigators websites:

For UK/EU students this covers a stipend and fees. For October 2011 entry, applications should be received by December 1 2010 (applications for an April 2011 start date may also be considered).

Non-UK/EU students will require additional funding for the higher level of fees. Exceptional non-EU candidates may be considered for nomination to the Gates Cambridge Trust and Cambridge International Scholarship competitions. The application deadline (for October 2011 entry) for these is October 15 2010 for US applicants and December 1 for non-US applicants (note that applications must be complete by these deadlines, including transcripts, references, degree certificates, and research proposal). More information on the formal application process is here: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/admissions/phd/.

Closing date: October 15th, 2010 for US applicants, 1st December 2010 for all others
