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Taylor Unilink Diploma Scholarships in Business & IT, Australia

Scholarship program for national and international students at Australian University.

Taylors UniLink Diploma is a new concept in university preparation courses. It’s open to international and domestic students, and combines detailed academic preparation with educational enrichment features – to make sure you’re prepared for all aspects of university learning.

A UniLink Diploma is a complete academic program, providing entry to a range of the best courses in Australian universities and setting a new benchmark in innovation and quality. With a Taylors UniLink Diploma you could go straight to the second year of a bachelor’s degree at university. You can choose between 2 diploma programs. Taylors UniLink Diplomas are spread over 3 trimesters, which also means the start date of your diploma is flexible.

You’ll be studying at Taylors in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane. A Taylors UniLink Diploma will provide you with advanced standing, or university credit, towards an undergraduate degree at a prestigious Australian university

Study Subject: Diploma in Business & IT
Employer: Taylor College
Level: Undergraduate
Application Deadline: 18 October 2010

Scholarships are offered in recognition of outstanding academic performance and general excellence and are assessed on a case-by-case basis by Taylors College Academic Team.

Further Taylor College Scholarship information and Application
