The Max Planck Research Award 2011 will be awarded in the area of engineering sciences in the field of Intelligent Systems.
Excellent scientists and scholars of all nationalities who are expected to continue producing outstanding academic achievements in international collaboration – not least with the assistance of this award – are eligible to be nominated for the Max Planck Research Award.
On an annually-alternating basis, the call for nominations addresses areas within the natural and engineering sciences, the life sciences, and the humanities.
Intelligent systems integrate information acquisition and processing, as well as target-oriented action, also under diffuse boundary conditions. Research in engineering science that deals with intelligent systems focuses on, among other things, making rational and human cognitive performance and procedures available for artificial inanimate and bio-hybrid systems by machines.
Every year, the Humboldt Foundation and the Max Planck Society grant two research awards to one researcher working in Germany and one researcher working abroad.The Presidents/Vice Chancellors of universities and the heads of research institutions in Germany are eligible to make nominations (c.f. list of eligible nominators). Direct applications are not accepted. As a rule, each award is endowed with 750,000 EUR and may be used over a period of three to a maximum of five years to fund research chosen by the award winner.
- The nominee must be recognised internationally as an outstandingly qualified academic (e.g. awards, positive responses to publications, etc.).
- Expectation of continued outstanding academic achievements in international collaboration ? not least with the assistance of the award.
- Nomination by a person entitled to make the nomination (c.f. list of eligible nominators).
- Expert reviews by important international and German collaborative partners and/or academics.
- The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.
The deadline for nominations is 20 October 2010.
Further Max Planck Research Award Information and Application