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Erasmus Mundus European M.Sc in Color in Informatics & Media Technology Scholarships

Scholarship program for international students in Color in Informatics & Media Technology

Study Subject: Informatics and Media Technology
Employer: Erasmus Mundus
Level: Masters

Scholarship Description: The CIMET online application platform for academic programme 2011-13 is now open. M.Sc. CIMET is a first class and unique European Master’s programme providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the field of imaging science, photonics, computer vision, optics and multimedia technology. The study programme is geared towards both scientific research and applicative research for all major industries.

Offered by four top-level academic partners in France, Spain, Finland and Norway, it is accredited and partly funded by the European Commission. Major companies such as Technicolor, Nokia, HP, Tecnalia, Multiscan, Indra, Innovae vision, GLS, VGA, IVR, Infaimon or Unitronics Vision.

CIMET is one of the Master Courses selected by the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Commission through which students from non-European Union countries and European Union countries are eligible for two-year grants of up to €24,000 per year.

The CIMET consortium is composed of University of Saint-Etienne (France), University of Eastern Finland (Finland), University of Granada (Spain) and University College Gjovik (Norway) and delivers the two-year Master programme entitled “Color in Informatics and Media Technology” (CIMET) under the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme.

CIMET is a two-year Master course (120 ECTS) with an interdisciplinary approach on the field of color science and technology, it encompasses photonics, computer vision and imaging science, computer science and multimedia technology as a mix of relevant theoretical and practical knowledge.

CIMET is part of the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme (http://ec.europa.eu/education/external-relation-programmes/doc72_en.htm), and has launched its campaign to recruit students and visiting scholars (PhD minimum) for the 2011-2013 programme.

The programme requests high mobility, but it is possible to mainly study in one host university and attend only one semester in another university. All courses are given in English throughout the consortium. To qualify for admission, applicants must have a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) in computer science, physics, mathematics or similar field.

The CIMET consortium is also able to host academics specialized in the fields of optics, colour, image and media technology. Scholars (PhD minimum) will be expected to contribute to the teaching of one compulsory course or one optional specialization course, under the direction of a permanent teacher at the host institution. Those Non-EU visiting scholars, if selected, can benefit from an attractive fellowship.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and Fellowship:
Student category A, for International Students (Non-EU): 48,000€ for the two-year course.
Student category B, for EU Students or Non-EU students who have stayed more than 12 months in the EU: 20,000€ for the two-year course.

Scholar fellowship: from 2400€ for a two-week stay to a maximum of 14,800 for a 3 months stay.
CIMET tuition fees: EU students: 4,000€ per academic year/ Non-EU students: 8,000€ per academic year
CIMET Consortium scholarship (only available for non Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders): Certain selected students (EU/non-EU) can obtain a 50% discount on the CIMET tuition fees.
For further queries or questions you may contact us directly at: master.cimet-at-univ-st-etienne.fr

Scholarship Application Deadline:

28 January 2011

  • Non-EU students applying for Erasmus Mundus scholarship. 48,000€ for the two-year course.
  • EU students applying for EU Erasmus Mundus scholarship. 20,000€ for the two-year course.
  • Non-EU students who have been EU resident for a minimum of 12 months, applying for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. 20,000€ for the two-year course.

15th of May 2011:

  • Non-EU students applying for the consortium scholarship (i.e.: reducing the tuition fee by half)
  • Non-EU self-sponsored students.
  • EU self-sponsored students.
  • Scholars

Further Scholarship Information and Application
