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Southeast Asia Fellowship Program at East-West Center in Washington (EWCW) USA

The East-West Center in Washington (EWCW) is accepting applications from scholars and analysts who wish to undertake policy-relevant research and writing in one of the following areas: (1). International relations of Southeast Asia; (2). Political change in Southeast Asia; and (3). ASEAN integration and community-building efforts.

The fellowship finances a three-month residence at the East-West Center in Washington, D.C. While in residence in Washington the fellows will complete an article or monograph to be considered for publication in a peer-reviewed publication, such as the East-West Center`s Asia Pacific Bulletin series or Asia Pacific Issues series. The first full draft of the manuscript should be completed before the end of the residency period. Fellows will also give a public presentation on their topic.

Fellowships will include a monthly stipend of US$2,500 to $4,500 (dependent upon experience) while in residence at EWC in Washington and round trip airfare to Washington, D.C. Residency at the Center will start in September 2011. Additionally, at the discretion of the Director, a small grant to cover field research, in Asia only, may be available. Fieldwork in the region will be completed prior to residence at the East-West Center in Washington.

Applicants with or without a Ph.D. will be considered. Applicants without a Ph.D. will be considered based on their relevant professional experience. Applicants must be nationals of a country within the scope of their Fellowship or the United States and eligible to receive a fellowship stipend. Successful applications will include a completed fellowship application form, cover letter, a full CV, two letters of reference, and a policy-relevant research proposal of ten pages (double spaced). The proposal should discuss the policy problem or issue to be examined, tentative hypothesis and arguments, a review and short bibliography of the relevant literature, plans for fieldwork (if any), and project time frame. If field research funds are sought, please briefly explain why and how they are to be used.

Southeast Asia Fellowship Program
East-West Center in Washington
1819 L St., N.W., 2nd Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036-3866

Applicants will be notified of selection decisions on or before December 20, 2010.

Download the application form to apply. Application materials, including reference letters, can be sent to Reference letters can be sent via email or post, by the writer or applicant.

For more information please email:

Further fellowships information and application:
