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The Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme for International Students by ICOS

The Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme by ICOS

Study Subject: Education, Health, Agriculture/ Rural Development, and Development Studies
Employer: Irish Council for International Students
Level: Postgraduate Diploma / Masters Level

Each year, the Irish Aid Fellowship Training Programme brings suitably qualified candidates from developing countries to undertake postgraduate studies in Ireland in fields such as development studies, rural development, health care, education and law. Further students are supported for programmes  in-region.

It is one of the ways in which Irish Aid supports capacity development in its nine priority countries in Africa and Asia, and also in Palestine.

Study fellowships are awarded with the aim of supporting and enhancing the contribution recipients can make to development efforts in their own countries.

ICOS works closely with Irish Aid on the management and administration of the Fellowship Training Programme.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 December 2010

Further Scholarship Information and Application
