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International Max Planck PhD Program [Germany]: Immunology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry, Proteomics, Bioinformatics

International Max Planck PhD Program IMPRS for Molecular and Cellular Biology is looking for students with strong motivation and talent for first class basic research in Immunology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Proteomics

You will:

  1. Work on exciting scientific projects addressing the hot topics of molecular and cellular biology in various systems
  2. Receive full funding for the whole time of the PhD (3-4 years)
  3. Rotate in 3 laboratories before you start your PhD project
  4. Enjoy the benefits of a state-of-the-art scientific institute with first-class facilities
  5. Be part of a vibrant international research community official language is English
  6. Benefit from intensive practical and theoretical education and complementary skills courses

IMPRS-MCB PhD program is organized by the Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and the University of Freiburg. Our scientists are publishing in the high impact factor journals and are internationally renowned experts in their fields. You will have a chance to regularly meet international speakers at the institute and at conferences.

You have MSc, MRes, Diploma or an equivalent degree in Biology, Biomedicine, Chemistry or related sciences. The degree should be awarded latest 6 months after the application deadline. You have several months of practical lab experience working on a scientific project, excellent English language skills and wish to work in a dynamic international team.

More information about the program and how to apply you will find on our web page


Application deadline for Spring Term: 15th December 2010
