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Scholarships at Colby-Sawyer College, USA – for Graduate and Undergraduate

Scholarships for those students who have 3.5 GPA, available for international students

Study Subject: Any Subject
Employer: Colby-Sawyer College
Level: Graduate and Undergraduate
Scholarship Description: International Students are eligible for need-based and merit-based financial aid, and are encouraged to apply. At Colby-Sawyer we strive to acknowledge the abilities and accomplishments of our students. Through a variety of scholarships and awards, the college recognizes academic achievement, community service and leadership experience.

Wesson Honors Scholarship – up to $68,000 over four years

Students with a 3.75 GPA are eligible to apply for the Wesson Honors Scholarship. This $17,000 per year scholarship includes direct admission into the Wesson Honors Program. Students are automatically recommended for the program based on GPA at time of admission and the program does not require a separate application. It is renewable annually for four years of study dependent upon good academic standing in the Wesson Honors Program.

Founders Scholarship – up to $64,000 over four years

Students with a 3.5 GPA are eligible for the Founders Scholarship. Students receiving this $16,000 per year award have graduated from high school with honors level classes and a rigorous college preparatory program. It is automatically awarded based on GPA at time of admission and does not require a separate application. It is renewable annually for four years of study dependent upon maintaining a 3.3 GPA while enrolled at Colby-Sawyer.

Presidential Scholarship – up to $56,000 over four years

Students with a 3.3 GPA are eligible for the Presidential Scholarship. This $14,000 award is renewable annually for four years of study dependent upon full-time enrollment and maintaining a 3.0 GPA. It is automatically awarded based on GPA at time of admission and does not require a separate application.

Chargers Scholarship – up to $48,000 over four years

Students who have a minimum 3.0 GPA are eligible for the Chargers Scholarship. It is automatically awarded based on GPA at time of admission and does not require a separate application. This $12,000 per year award is renewable annually for four years dependent upon full-time enrollment and maintaining a 2.75 GPA.

Scholarship Application Deadline: December 1, 2010

Further scholarship Information and Application
