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Cutting-edge Scholarship Programs 2011-2012 for Development Countries, Belgium

Cutting-edge Scholarship Programs 2011-2012 in International Trainings and Courses for Development Countries, Belgium
This fellowship includes many programmes

Study Subject: Any subject
Employer: University Commission for Development
Level: Graduate


Scholarship Description: Within the programme for international courses and training programmes 2011-2012, CIUF grants 150 scholarships for participation into the courses and 70 for participation into the training programmes. You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and the modalities of introduction of an application file as well as the rules of selection. These rules define the conformity of the files and therefore are very important.

The list of international courses and training programs international courses:

  • Master complémentaire en Aquaculture
  • Master complémentaire en Gestion des Transports
  • Master complémentaire en Santé Publique – Orientation Santé et Développement
  • Master complémentaire en Sciences et Gestion de l’Environnement dans les Pays en Développement
  • Master complémentaire en Gestion des Ressources Animales et Végétales en Milieux Tropicaux
  • Master complémentaire en Gestion des Risques Naturels
  • Master complémentaire en Sciences et Technologie des Aliments
  • Master complémentaire en Médecine Transfusionnelle
  • European Microfinance Programme
  • Master complémentaire en Protection des Cultures Tropicales et Subtropicales
  • Advanced Master in International and Development Economics
  • Master complémentaire en Développement, Environnement et Sociétés
  • Master complémentaire in Public Health Methodology

Scholarship Application Deadline: February, 14th, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
