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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in Performing Arts for International Students

Erasmus Mundus in Performing Arts Studies Scholarship

Study Subject: Performing Arts
Employer:Erasmus Mundus
Level: Masters
Application Deadline: 20 Dec 2010, 20 Apr 2011

Scholarship Description: The partners of this master aim at gathering the European specialists in Performing Arts: intercultural approach to theatre, opera, dance, circus and street performances.

The Master consists of theoretical lectures, seminars, training courses, workshops and a final dissertation that give the student the opportunity to approach the spectacular events, their identity, their roots and their transformations in a changing society, with a focus on the European context.

The program aims at giving the students a variety of tools in relation with the critic, the production and the creation of a contemporary performance. The historical, social, anthropological, aesthetic and semiotic contexts are particularly taken into account. The program covers analysis, practice, organisation approaches of Performing Arts.

The joint degree awarded by the master is recognized by all the members of the consortium.

Who May Apply?
Everyone who has completed a university (or equivalent) program of 180 ECTS or prove an artistic or professional experience which will be evaluated by the jury of the consortium

The student must:

  • fulfill the admission criteria ;
  • have the linguistic competences (B1 according to the reference levels established by European Council in the « Common European framework of reference for languages » or equivalent). Certified copy of language test results;
  • have study results which prove academic excellence and/or show evidence of strong motivation;
  • have work experience or professional qualifications in Performing Arts.

Scholarship Application Deadline:

  1. with scholarship A or external Window scholarship request : 20 December 2010
  2. with scholarship B request : 20 April 2011.

Further Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Information and Application
