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A S & J W Jorgensen Scholarship to Theology Students at Avondale College, Australia

Scholarship Description:
This scholarship is only available at the Avondale College. Through the generosity of Pastor Alfred W Jorgensen, a former lecturer in the Faculty of Theology at Avondale, a trust fund has been established to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships to theology students at Avondale.

This scholarship is only available for the following course levels: Bachelor Degree and Graduate Diploma

Applicants must: be 3rd-year students applying for, or currently enrolled in, the Bachelor of Theology / Bachelor of Ministry degree, or 2nd-year students enrolled in the concurrent Graduate Diploma in Ministry / Graduate Diploma in Theology; intend to enter the preaching ministry of the SDA Church; be baptised members of the SDA Church; and be able to demonstrate eligibility on the basis of need.

Application Deadline:
Application closing date: 31 January

For more information:
Phone: +61 (1800) 991392
Fax: +61 (2) 49802151
Email: scholarships@avondale.edu.au
visit http://www.avondale.edu.au/scholarships
