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International Scholarships The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for Full Time Undergraduate

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Scholarships for National and International students at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for Full Time Undergraduate studies.

Study Subject: Accountancy, Finance, Applied Biology, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Building Services Engineering, BBA, Chemical Technology, Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Civil Engineering and many more

Due to the differences in education systems, school-leaving qualifications that are acceptable for entrance to universities in other places may not necessarily be acceptable for entrance to an undergraduate programme at PolyU. To be eligible to apply for admission to our full-time government-funded (HKALE-entry) bachelor’s degree programmes, candidates who have studied under a non-local curriculum are expected to have achieved an academic standard equivalent to GCE A-level, or have satisfactorily completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma or the first year of university education.

The guidelines are for reference of students who wish to seek admission to PolyU based on non-local qualifications (http://www.polyu.edu.hk/as/ep_ft/annex_c.htm) . If you marginally fail to attain the grades or scores specified for certain qualifications, you may still be considered for admission if you have excellent performance at the selection interview. If you do not have any of the following qualifications but have other acceptable qualifications, you may be considered for admission to our full-time bachelor’s degree programmes taking an additional foundation year.

Closing Date
Scholarship Application Deadline: 31 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application:
