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Media Film and Music Research Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK

The School of Media, Film and Music is delighted to offer up to four scholarships to UK/HEU and non EU students who have been accepted for DPhil study in any of the following areas, starting in October 2011:

  • Media and Cultural Studies
  • Film and TV Studies
  • Film, Digital and Media Production
  • Music, Music Theatre and Musical Composition

The scholarships will be worth the equivalent amount of the Home/EU fee in the relevant year for full-time students (at present £3,466), or pro-rata for part-time students, and will be awarded for three years for full-time students, or for an equivalent or relevant period of time for part-time and current students. Applications will be judged on academic merit and personal need.


Applicants must:

  • have been offered a place on a research degree programme in the School of Media, Film and Music in one of the areas listed above
  • submit their research proposal and a statement of personal circumstances with their application
  • commence the degree in October 2011 (awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years)


By 14 March 2011: Deadline for all applications to be received
Week beginning 11 April 2011: Applicants notified of the outcome of their application by email

Further information

For further information on the scholarships please contact Ms Sarah Maddox
Tel: +44 1273 873525
Email: s.maddox.ac.uk

Website: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/funding/mfmresearch
Applications should be made on the School of Media, Film and Music Research Degree Scholarship application form [PDF]
School of Media, Film and Music Research Degree Scholarship application form [DOC]
