Scholarships for International students for pursuing PhD studies in Chemistry, Poland
The International PhD program “Towards Advanced Functional Materials and Novel Devices – Joint UW and WUT International PhD Programme” realized by the Faculties of Chemistry of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and University of Warsaw (UW), Poland, designed in cooperation with well-recognized international research Partner institutions.
3 students will be admitted to the first or second year of the International PhD studies.
PhD Projects listed below are still available:
UW-4: “Solution Thermodynamic of Ionic Liquids in Water, Aliphatic Alcohols and Hydrocarbons”
UW-5: “Organic semiconductors for organic electronics: synthesis, characterization and application in test devices”
PW-7: “Advanced polymeric materials – From calculation to application”
Duration of the program is 4 years, including 6-24 months spent abroad in the foreign Partner institutions.
A fellowship of 3000 PLN/month (tax-free) + 500 PLN/month (insurance) is offered, which compares well with the average salary in Poland. An additional allowance of 1500 PLN /month will be provided for the stay at the foreign partner institution.
Tuition fees for all coursework and health insurance are covered by the fellowship. The University will assist in finding accommodation.
Students from all countries are invited to apply.
Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact employer(
Further Scholarship Information and Admission procedure: