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Bachelor Degree Scholarships at University of Queensland: A G McCready Memorial Scholarship

A G McCready Memorial Scholarship

Established in 1996 by Mrs I C McCready in memory of her late husband Alfred Glen McCready, lecturer in the classics from 1946-49, the scholarship supports high achieving students of classical languages (Greek or Latin).

Additional Information

All eligible students are considered for this scholarship. There is no application process.

Duration and Value

Duration: 1.0 year
Annual value: $A 1,795.00
Total value: $A 1,795.00
Extra Details: The value of the scholarship varies depending on the income of the fund. Approximately $1,795 was available in 2010.

Important Dates
Application closing date: No application required

Eligibility criteria
General information
The scholarship is open to Bachelor of Arts graduates of UQ, who are enrolled either full-time or part-time in an honours program in classical languages at UQ. Selection is based on academic merit.


Name: University of Queensland
Website: http://www.uq.edu.au

Contact Information

Phone: +61 (7) 33652620
Fax: +61 (7) 33651968
Email: hprc@uq.edu.au
