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PhD Studentship in Electron Spectroscopy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

PhD Studentship in electron spectroscopy
University of Fribourg

One PhD position in physical chemistry is available starting from September 2011. The work is predominantly experimental, with a possibility of some molecular modelling calculations. The research topic is electron-induced processes in gases and in novel targets (liquid micro-jets).


At the beginning the student will join a running experiment on the gas-phase targets in order to acquire basic experimental skills. At the later stage he/she will participate on development of a novel experiment with liquid micro-jet targets. If interested, the student can also do molecular modelling (quantum chemistry / molecular dynamics) in order to support the experimental results.

Additional Job Details

The position in funded according to the rules of Swiss National Science Fund (approximately 42000 CHF/year). An additional teaching assistantship is possible, if the student is interested in teaching. The position is funded for three years. More information on the research: http://www.chem.unifr.ch/ma/ http://www.chem.unifr.ch/

Country: Switzerland
Application Deadline: 2011-Jun-03
