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UCSI University Foundation Scholarships Awards for Malaysian and International students

UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award
The UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award is opened to Malaysian and International students enrolled in any of the degree or foundation programmes leading to a degree at UCSI University, EXCEPT for Medicine and Pharmacy.

Current student who show excellent grades and track record while at UCSI University, may apply for UCSI University Foundation Scholarship Award.

This scholarship award offers full or partial tuition fee waiver to candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and active participation in extracurricular activities.

Download application form:

Malaysian Students: http://www.ucsiufoundation.com/pdf/UCSIUF_SAUG_M_201103_eform.pdf
International Students: http://www.ucsiufoundation.com/pdf/UCSIUF_SAUG_I_201103_eform.pdf

Application Deadline:
For Malaysian Students:
08 Jun 2011 and 15 Aug 2011
For International Students:
13 May 2011 and 29 Jul 2011

Further scholarship information and application:
