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Russian Government Scholarships – Scholarships in Russia

Students may study Russian government for a variety of reasons. They may want to learn the language or culture, are considering moving to Russia or are wanting to study abroad in Russia. To receive these scholarships, you must exude leadership skills and academic excellence.

The Russian government continues to offer scholarships to citizens of select countries. These scholarships are not administered by the universities, but via the Russian Embassy in your home country or your Ministry of Education. The nature of the scholarship can vary, based on agreements between the Russian Federation and your home country. To learn more, contact these organizations.

Several universities, including Lomonosov Moscow State University, do not take part in this scholarship program.
The achievements of Russian higher education are well known and respected all over the world. At present, more that 60,000 foreign students study at more than 100 Russian universities.

Along with the traditional form of higher education on the contract basis, the Russian government scholarships are designed foreign students who wish to study at Russian state universities. Every year the Government of the Russian Federation offers 3,000 scholarships for overseas students, including 20 scholarships for a complete course (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees) and 5 scholarships for postgraduate (Ph.D.) and postdoctorate studies.

The application deadline for the Russian government scholarships is March, 31. The academic year begins on September, 1 (for postgraduate students – October, 15). Be ready for the next year terms.

Further scholarship information, please contact:

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Indonesia
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.X-7,1-2, (postal code 12940)
tel.(62-21) 522-29-12, (62-21) 522-29-14,
fax. (62-21) 522-29-16
e-mail: rusembjkt@uninet.net.id


Education in Russia for Foreigners
Tverskaya street, 11
Moscow, 125993
