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The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program)

The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program)
Applications For Fellows Year 2012-2013. Study in: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

API Fellowships Program

The API Fellowships Program is a regional program, operated through the partnership of The Nippon Foundation (TNF) with five instituions in the region. There is one designated academic institution (called a Partner Institution or PI), which operates as the secretariat of theProgram in each of these five Participating Countries: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Among PIs, Thailand PI has been serving as the Coordinating Institution since 2005 and played the role as a secretariat for regional level activities.

The API Fellowships Program is a fellowships program that provides a grant to successful applicants to carry out a project during the fellowship period of one month to one year in a country or countries participating in the API Fellowships Program (currently confined to Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand).

API Mission Statement

Public Intellectuals are those—academics, researchers, media professionals, artists, creative writers, NGO activists, social workers, public servants and others with moral authority—who are committed to working for the betterment of society by applying their professional knowledge, wisdom and experience.

The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program) is designed to stimulate the creation of a pool of such intellectuals in the region. They aim to promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals and to contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated.

What are the goals of the API Fellowships Program?
The API Fellowships Program aims to:

  • Create and nurture a community of public intellectuals in Asia;
  • Promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals; and
  • Contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated.

In selecting Fellows, the API Fellowships Program will favor those whose projects address critical issues in the region, use creative and multidisciplinary approaches, and have some element of advocacy.

What are API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships? (Categories of Fellowships)
The fellowships are offered under two categories: API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships.

The API Senior Fellowships are meant for those with an established track record as a public intellectual and who are at least 40 years of age, as of August 31, 2011. The fellowship period should be a minimum of one month to a maximum of twelve months in up to four of the countries participating in the API Fellowships Program (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand).

The API Fellowships are for those under 40 years of age as of August 31, 2011. The fellowship period should be a minimum of four months to a maximum of twelve months in one or two of the countries participating in the API Fellowships Program (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand).

For both categories, the fellowship period must be continuous and the minimum period of visit to a country where the proposed research project/or professional activities are conducted is one month and cannot include the native country or country of residence.

Who can apply?

Anyone involved in the production and exchange of knowledge or ideas in line with the goals of the API Fellowships Program can apply. This includes academics, researchers, media professionals, artists, writers, NGO workers, social workers, public servants, and others who work for the betterment of society.

You will need sufficient knowledge of the English language to conduct your project and to share the results with the wider audience afterwards.

General eligibility for both the API Senior and API Fellowships

  • Applicants must hold the nationality or proper residence status of one of the five Participating Countries and reside in the country (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand) at the time of the application;
  • Applicants must attend the interview at the designated date and place;
  • Applicants must propose research projects and/or professional activities which start after July 1, 2012 and should be completed on or by the end of July 2013;
  • Applicants must have a basic knowledge of English. An ability to speak a language/s of the country/ies where the proposed research project and/or professional activities are conducted will be an asset; and
  • Applicants must be based in the region/country and will continue to be so in the future.
  • When selected, they must attend the orientation in February/March 2012. Absence from the orientation may cause the cancellation of the selection.

Eligibility for the API Senior Fellowships

In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Senior Fellowships must:

  • Be 40 years of age or more as of August 31, 2011 (exceptions may be made);
  • Have the ability and experience to conduct research projects and/or professional activities in the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) other than his/her native country or country of residence;
  • Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to four of the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand), but in a country/ies other than in the applicant’s native country or country of residence;
  • Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a continuous period of between one to 12 months; and
  • Have the ability, influence, and means to disseminate the results of their research projects and/or professional activities.

Eligibility for the API Fellowships:

In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Fellowships must:

  • Be under the age of 40 as of August 31, 2011 (exceptions may be made);
  • Have the ability and desire to engage in research projects and/or professional activities in the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) other than his/her native or country of residence;
  • Have a strong potential to contribute to their field in the future;
  • Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a continuous period of between four to 12 months; and
  • Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to two of the Participating Countries (Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand), but in a country/ies other than the applicant’s native country or country of residence.

What are the API themes for this year?

  1. Changing Identities and Their Social, Historical, and Cultural Contexts
    e.g., the use of historical memory in building regional and national identities; the construction of cultural majorities and minorities; the role of the media and the arts; the dynamics of cultural encounter; the performance of gender, religion, and class roles.
  2. Reflections on the Human Condition and the Search for Social Justice
    e.g., the distribution of political rights; economic and physical security; the management of social change; the marginalization of peripheral populations; human interaction with the environment.
  3. Globalization: Structures, Processes, and Alternatives
    e.g., the impact of economic integration on states and societies; human and capital migration; the changing role of borders; the meaning of self-reliance; the global marketing of culture; civil society in the era of globalization.

Download API Fellowships brochure:

Download API Fellowships brochure for Indonesian applicants:

Applications For Fellows Year 2012-2013
Application submission deadline: August 31, 2011

API Partner Institutions

Research Center for Regional Resources (PSDR)
Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)
Widya Graha, 9th floor, Jln Jend. Gatot Subroto No.10
Jakarta 12710
COntact: John Haba / Yekti Maunati
URL: http://www.api-indonesia.info
Telp: 021-5265152/5251542 ext.680/737
Fax: 021-5265152/5701232
E-mail: darahkubiru@yahoo.com / yektim@yahoo.com

For other countries visit the official website (the link provided below) or download the brochure.

Nippon Foundation – The API Fellowships official website:
