The University of Melbourne
Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS)
The Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) is awarded to international students wishing to undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. MIRSs are funded by the University with each faculty having a limited number to award.
Each year the University offers about 220 new Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRSs), of which about 100 are normally awarded to international students as MIRSs.
Benefits provided by the MIRS include:
- a living allowance of $22,860 per annum (2011 rate)
- a Relocation Grant of $2,000 awarded to students who are moving from interstate in order to study at the University of Melbourne or $3,000 awarded to those who are moving from overseas
- a Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2011 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2011 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates, and paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.
To be considered for a MIRS, applicants need to have an unconditional offer of a place in a graduate research degree course (eg. masters by research, PhD or other research doctorate) at the University of Melbourne.
- Only open to international applicants (ie. citizens of countries other than Australia and New Zealand who are not Australian permanent residents.)
- Applicants must have applied for, or be currently enrolled in, a graduate research degree at the UoM.
- A scholarship will not be offered if the applicant has already completed a qualification at the same or higher level as the course for which a scholarship is sought.
- Applicants will only be considered for scholarship in one department at any one time.
- Academic Requirements: Applicants normally need to have completed a research project/component as part of their tertiary studies that accounts for at least 25% of their year’s work at 4th year or masters level.
How to apply
International students are automatically considered for Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS) once they receive an unconditional course offer for an eligible course. Applicants must apply for admission using the online application available at
Application closing dates
MIRS applicants should submit their online application for admission by 31 October. Applications received after this date will only be considered for any MIRSs that remain at the time the application is assessed for scholarship.
Campus Location:
Melbourne Scholarships Office
3rd Floor, John Smyth Building
Gate No. 6, Swanston Street
Address for Correspondence:
Melbourne Scholarships Office
John Smyth Building
The University of Melbourne
VICTORIA 3010, Australia
Telephone + 61 3 8344 8747
Facsimile + 61 3 9349 1740
MIRS Official website: