Postdoctoral Position – Cell-Cell Adhesion
Northwestern University
Several NIH-funded postdoctoral fellow positions are immediately available in the laboratory of Dr. Sergey Troyanovsky (for a PhD, or MD/PhD candidates) to study the basic mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion and its role in carcinogenesis, epithelial tissue integrity, and signaling. Enthusiastic candidates with recent PhD and expertise in molecular and cell biology are encouraged to apply.
The laboratory has excellent molecular and cellular imaging capabilities. Northwestern University is one of the top-ranked universities in the country with highly interactive scientific environment. The Feinberg School of Medicine known for its innovative teaching and pioneering research is located in the heart of Chicago downtown. Salary and benefits are competitive.
Send your CV and contact information for three references to
Dr. Sergey Troyanovsky,
Department of Dermatology
Northwestern University
Email: s-troyanovsky(at)
Apply online via