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F A Hayek Scholarship in Economics or Political Science, University of Canterbury, NZ

F A Hayek Scholarship. Master’s degree in Economics or Political Science
University of Canterbury, New Zealand

The scholarship shall be awarded for study towards an Honours or Master’s degree in Economics or Political Science at the University of Canterbury.

Level: Honours, Postgraduate
Disciplines: Economics, Political Science
Study in: University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2011
Amount: $16,500
Tenure: 1 year
Specifically for: Domestic Students, International Students


The scholarship was established in 1994 by a gift from Alan Gibbs.

One scholarship is available each year towards an Honours or Master’s degree in Economics or Political Science at the University of Canterbury. The general conditions for the scholarship are as for the University of Canterbury Master’s Scholarship.

Note: Unlike the University of Canterbury Master’s Scholarships, there is no requirement that the scholarship be held only in a ‘research year’. Thus it is for students enrolled in either coursework (Part I) or thesis (Part II) of the Master’s degree.


The scholarship shall be awarded for study towards an Honours or Master’s degree in Economics or Political Science at the University of Canterbury.

How to Apply

Application Form: hayek_appl.doc (doc, 136.5KB) see the link below this article.

Application Deadline

15 Oct 2011

More Information

Visit the website: http://www.canterbury.ac.nz/ScholarshipSearch/ScholarshipDetails.aspx?ScholarshipID=6935.131
