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KSTF Teaching Fellowships for High school teachers in the USA

Fellowships are intended for individuals who are committed to teaching STEM related subjects to high school students. International applicants are eligible for these teaching fellowships. KSTF Teaching Fellowships are awarded annually and now accepting applications for 2014 fellowship.

Level: fellowship
Study in: USA
Eligible for International Applicants: Yes
Application Deadline: October 15, 2013
Value: up to $4000 per year and up to $1200 per year for teaching materials
Subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
Award Duration: 5 year


The Knowles Science Teaching Foundation is funding teaching fellowships for high school teachers in the USA. The KSTF is a five-year fellowship. Fellowships are intended for individuals who are committed to teaching STEM related subjects to high school students and who have earned or are in the process of earning a degree in a discipline related to the STEM subject(s) they intend to teach.

If you are passionate about teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), and are dedicated to challenging and supporting all students, the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) Teaching Fellowship could help you succeed in ways you’ve never imagined.

KSTF supports passionate, dedicated teachers to thrive in the profession, lead from the classroom and become change agents in education. The KSTF five-year fellowship, one of the most generous and comprehensive professional development programs for STEM teachers, provides its fellow’s access to a close, collaborative community of like-minded colleagues.


Fellows are chosen from among individuals who:

  • Are committed to teaching high school STEM
  • Have earned or are in the process of earning a degree in a discipline related to the STEM subject(s) they intend to teach
  • Have outstanding current content knowledge with a recent degree or education (typically within the last 5–10 years)
  • Have the capacity and determination to commit to teaching as their primary career
  • Have not previously established a career (typically more than 5–10 years in another field)
  • Have recently earned a secondary teaching credential (no earlier than January 1, 2013) or will earn their credential no later than September 1, 2014.

How to Apply

Application should be send by online for 2014 entry till October 15, 2013.

KSTF Teaching Fellowships are awarded based on the following three selection criteria:

  1. The potential to develop the content knowledge needed for teaching.
  2. The potential to develop exemplary teaching practices.
  3. The potential to develop the qualities of a teacher leader.

All applicants that are selected as semi-finalists will be required to participate in a telephone interview that will take place in late January 2014. This one-hour interview will provide the selection committee with the opportunity to learn more about you. If you are selected as a finalist for the 2014 Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Teaching Fellowship, you will be required to participate in a selection interview which will take place in Philadelphia from March 7–8, 2014. Finalists are expected to be available for and participate in all selection activities, which will begin at approximately 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 6 and end at approximately 9 p.m. on Saturday, March 8. Fellowship awardees are announced in April each year. They must be available to attend an orientation meeting held during the first weekend in June.

Application Deadline

Application: October 15, 2013
Interview by phone: January 2014 (semi finalists)
Interview in Philadelphia: march 7-8, 2014 (finalists)
Announced: April 2014
Orientation meeting: June 2014

More Information

Apply to be a fellow: http://kstf.force.com/apply/FellowshipApplicationRegistration
Website: http://kstf.devface.com/
