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Arsip Info Beasiswa: Scholarships

Beasiswa-beasiswa luar negeri. Info Beasiswa Luar Negeri terbaru s1, s2, s3. Beasiswa Amerika, Australia, Singapura, Jepang, Jerman, Belanda, Perancis.

BAJS Postgraduate Studentships for Japanese Studies at UK University

Summary British Association for Japanese Studies (BAJS) Postgraduate Studentships in the field of Japanese Studies for the students of all nationalities at UK University 2012. Continue Reading →

Korea Foundation Postgraduate Studies Fellowship, Australia and New Zealand

Summary The Korea Foundation (KF) offers KF Postgraduate Studies Fellowship and KF Postdoctoral Fellowship for research students and scholars in Australia and New Zealand. Continue Reading →

Guardian Trust Master’s Scholarship in Commerce, University of Canterbury, NZ

Summary The scholarship shall be awarded for study towards a Master’s degree (MCom or MBA) in Commerce at the University of Canterbury. The tenure of the scholarship shall be ... Continue Reading →

F A Hayek Scholarship in Economics or Political Science, University of Canterbury, NZ

F A Hayek Scholarship. Master’s degree in Economics or Political Science University of Canterbury, New Zealand Summary The scholarship shall be awarded for study towards an Honours ... Continue Reading →

Research Scholarship for Physicians in Developing Countries, USA

Scholarship for Physicians in Developing Countries to attend the AAHPM and HPNA Annual Assembly Denver, Colorado, USA March 7-10, 2012 Summary The Developing Countries Scholarship Fund ... Continue Reading →

Chemical and Process Engineering PhD Scholarship, University of Canterbury

University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Chemical and Process Engineering PhD Scholarship Continue Reading →

International Student Ambassador Scholarships at Iowa State University, USA

Summary Undergraduate Scholarships for International Incoming freshmen and transfers students at Iowa State University, USA Continue Reading →

Japan-IMF Scholarship Program (JISPA) for Asia 2012-13

Scholarship Program for Asia JapanIMF 2012–13 The Japan-IMF Scholarship Program (JISPA) Partnership Universities Continue Reading →

Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS), Singapore

Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) 2012 Intake Summary The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding ... Continue Reading →

PhD Scholarship Opportunities at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Doctor of Philosophy scholarship opportunities available Scholarships are available to those interested in pursuing a PhD in the areas of mobile information access and sharing. Positions ... Continue Reading →