Beasiswa S2 untuk PNS: Master of Information Technology, UGM
Beasiswa Pendidikan S2 CIO KemKominfo 2011
Program pasca sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Magister Teknologi Informasi bersama dengan Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI menyelenggarakan ... Continue Reading →
The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program selection cycle 2009
Bank Dunia | The World Bank The Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS) selection cycle 2009.
Deadline: 27 Februari 2009
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Beasiswa S2 UGM Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009
The Graduate school of Gadjah Mada University established a Doctoral Program in 1950 and Graduate Program in 1980. The era of Globalization and modernization had been influencing society ... Continue Reading →