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Master Scholarships in Human Rights and Democratisation, Australia

34 Scholarship for Asia pacific countries students Master in Human Rights and Democratization University of Sydney Continue Reading →

Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships

Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships AusAID will accept ALA Scholarship applications for the 2010 academic year from March 19, 2009 until June 30, 2009. The Australian Leadership ... Continue Reading →

British Chevening Scholarships 2009-2010

UK – The Chevening scholarships are offered in over 150 countries and enable talented graduates and young professionals to become familiar with the UK and gain skills which will ... Continue Reading →

Fellowships in International Human Rights

2009-2010 FELLOWSHIPS IN INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTSFor recent graduates of law schools or graduate programs in journalism, international relations, area studies, or other relevant disciplines ... Continue Reading →