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Huygens Scholarship Programme for International Students

Huygens Scholarship Programme for International Students Scholarships for excellent students from all countries. Study in Holland. Continue Reading →

Faculty Positions in Systems Neuroscience Medical College of Georgia

The Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute (BBDI) at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) is seeking six to eight faculty members who will be appointed as tenure-track Assistant Professor, ... Continue Reading →

Postdoctoral Opportunity in Biomedical Informatics

University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, United States The Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah (http://uuhsc.utah.edu/medinfo/) anticipates the opening of one ... Continue Reading →

International PhD Program in Molecular Genetics, Switzerland

Frontiers in Genetics’ PhD program starts every year in October and usually lasts 4 years. During the first year, the students are requested to complete 3 rotations in different laboratories ... Continue Reading →

Post-doc in Algorithm Theory / Bioinformatics

Background: Ochanomizu University, a National University Corporation in Japan, is searching for a post-doctoral research fellow to work with Assistant Professor Dr. Jesper Jansson on ... Continue Reading →