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Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship Awards 2013 Intake, Study in Australia

Summary The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for international students for 2 to 3.5 years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD ... Continue Reading →

Postgraduate Research Scholarships, University of Canberra

Postgraduate Research Scholarships – Wildlife Genetics Description : S e x Determination in Reptiles The University of Canberra has postgraduate scholarships available for both domestic ... Continue Reading →

KAUST Discovery Scholarships in Science and Technology 2009

As previous year, King Abudullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) now offers scholarships in science and technology for international students. KAUST DISCOVERY SCHOLARSHIPS The ... Continue Reading →

Postgraduate Scholarships for January 2009 – University of Westminster

The deadline for application for a scholarship in January 2009 is November 1, 2008 , unless otherwise indicated. Continue Reading →

MSc Digital Enterprise Management scholarship

Amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold ... Continue Reading →

USA Study Abroad Scholarship

Priority for this scholarship will be given to you if you are a member of an under-represented group in university education. Continue Reading →

Liverpool Hope University’s International Scholarships

Liverpool Hope University is committed to encouraging statements from students with high academic qualifications would benefit from studying in Britain. Continue Reading →

Full Postgraduate Scholarships in University of Westminster

These scholarships are jointly funded by the ACU, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the University of Westminster and International Students House. Continue Reading →

KAUST Discovery Scholarship 2008

The KAUST Discovery Scholarship is a general scholarship program King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). This program is designed to ensure that any very talented ... Continue Reading →